
I decided to make a blog about what I am thinking. My thoughts are mainly about the things I love: visual art, music, movies, fashion, and writing, but they are also all over the place.

I am trying to post more and have created categories for each day of the week:

Movie Mondays!, where I will attempt to discuss a movie.

Textual Tuesdays, where you can find some poetry, prose, lyrics, etc. that moved me.

w3iRd WeDneSd@yz, where I plug weird things I see around New York.

thoughtful Thursdays?, where you can find my stream of consciousness of the day, perhaps it will make sense to you, but more than likely it won't.

+Faaaashion Fridays+, where I show an outfit or something, this is completely dedicated to Munya.

$ongfilled $aturdays, where I'll posts music videos and a new playlists to which you can subscribe.

I'm still trying to figure this thing out, but ultimately its just a blog for blogging sake (and for my friends and family).The blog is for me and if you don't like it, well, you know what to do.

All copyrighted material is reproduced for non-commercial illustrative purposes.